A dollar a pound is a lot... you should recheck your information and put a link to it in the question... The highest landing fees are at New York LaGuardia, charging $5,731 for a 747... that is less than one cent per pound... (if the 747 lands at max takeoff weight, which it cant do... so it is closer to one one-hundredth of a cent per pound...) note that the 747's max takeoff weight is 414 tons... that means that landing at the airport you describe, it would cost almost a million dollars with tax... I dont think so... aiviation could never be profitable there... tickets would have to be equal to the average person's weight (200 lbs.) plus the weight of the airplane and bags and crew and tax... people wouldnt fly... As for the weights you requested,
747-400 ERF:
Max Takeoff weight= 414 tons
Empty weight= 164 tonsTalking about strictly Air cargo planes what are the weights of all civilian air cargo planes fully loaded?
Try www.airliners.net and here you can find the info you want as far as T/O weight and MAX weights. Scroll down the page to the Aircraft Data and History and that should help with the weights. And double check the price of landing and take off. The prop job you refer to is probably a Cessna Caravan and it is operated by FEDEX. Good Luck
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